Search Results For: Cloud-Native Automation


Opening-up Cloud-Native 5G for Over 240 Million US Subscribers

US wireless carrier DISH Wireless is fulfilling its vision of “changing the way the world communicates” with the delivery of a nationwide cloud-native 5G Open RAN network. Mavenir congratulates its partner DISH Wireless on reaching the impressive milestone of deploying over 15,000 5G Open RAN sites that cover over 70% of the US population – more than 240 million Americans – within the FCC buildout deadlines.


Marking Milestones for Telcos’ Cloud-Native Journey 

The journey towards full cloud-native networks needs to be meticulously planned and executed so service providers are able to reap the promised benefits. In a recent interview with TelecomTV, Mavenir’s Bejoy Pankajakshan, EVP Chief Technology and Strategy Officer, elaborates on the key milestones for building a fully cloud-native network.


Enriching CSP Networks with RIC Automation

With all the excitement about new 5G applications, the RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) is like an infusion of oxygen for the heart of the mobile network. Intended as a technology for all mobile generations, it seems for now that 5G use cases are currently driving the need for innovative RIC applications. The reason for this…