Search Results For: Business Communications


The Key Considerations for IMS and 5G

5G is changing everything and driving the move to cloud-native IMS. The industry pace toward IT trends is picking up. Understand the key benefits of having all workloads working on the same cloud-based environment.


Does Anyone Use Email Anymore?

Over time, many businesses have realized that combining CRM and contact center solutions can enhance the customer service experience.


How DSPs Can Accelerate Speed to Market for New Services

Telcos need to start thinking more creatively about digital services. Future opportunities for digital services providers (DSPs) include how DSPs can accelerate their efforts, identify most appropriate services, and speed up time to market.


Rip-and-Replace Opens the Door for Wireless Industry

The U.S. government has allocated $1.9B for the rip-and-replace program. The program aims at compensating carriers that remove equipment that is deemed risky for national security. This will benefit the U.S. wireless industry to leverage Open RAN, open interfaces, and element interoperability.