Search Results For: RIC


Integrating AI Into the Anatomy of Autonomous Networks

To realize autonomous networks, operators must embrace Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) in network operations. Learn how future networks can manage complexity and deliver diverse services in real-time. Brandon Larson, SVP & GM of Cloud, AI & IMS, shares insights on integrating AI into the Anatomy of Autonomous Networks and highlights key points from the panel discussion at Mobile World Congress in this blog.


Network Softwarisation: Positive but Realistic

At Mobile World Congress, Mavenir and The Mobile Network hosted a panel discussion on the softwarised network. It proved to be a discussion that was both positive about the benefits that network softwarisation can bring and realistic about the progress that has been made so far. As a journalist covering developments in mobile network technology,…


5G Forum

The 5G FORUM annually puts the advances of 5G technology on the stage, constituting an opportunity to exchange knowledge of the practical applications of this technology.


Open RAN Past, Present, and Future

At the recent Mobile World Congress show in Barcelona, I was lucky enough to be able to host a panel discussion at the Mavenir stand designed to explore the latest developments in Open RAN. The panel brought together three different, but complimentary perspectives: BG Kumar, President of Access Networks, Platforms and MDE at Mavenir; Mohamed…