Search Results For: Cloud Native Deployment


Orange Spain Successfully Tests a 5G SA Data Connection With Open RAN

Open RAN is the newest radio access technology in the telecommunications industry. This technology, which stands for “Open Radio Access Network”, promotes the interoperability of the different elements that make up radio access equipment, through its virtualization and the use of open standards, as opposed to current radio access networks that use proprietary technologies.


What To Know About Security In Open RAN Technology

Published as part of the Forbes Technology Council series. Open RAN (ORAN) has been a key area of innovation in the telecommunications industry in recent years. Open RAN disaggregates the radio access network (RAN) and enables a modular architecture with open interfaces. RAN disaggregation permits faster innovation, lower operating expenses for operators and unique ways to optimize…


Open RAN Commercial Readiness – The Importance of Partnerships 

Disrupting the status quo tends to bring out fierce opposition from those whose business model could be endangered. It is not a surprise that, despite Open RAN’s momentum with both greenfield and brownfield CSPs, some industry players are trying to sow skepticism among the adopters of the solution and associated technology, particularly about its commercial…


Druid and Mavenir Test Latest 5G Small Cell

Mavenir has successfully configured & connected their new E511 5G small cell to the Druid Raemis 5G SA Core platform as part of testing for their new small cell, which is ideal for Communication Service Providers and Private Network Operators targeting 5G in-building coverage for enterprise and public spaces.


Mavenir Introduces Virtual Cell Site Router

Mavenir’s vCSR, developed in collaboration with Intel, represents an innovative approach that leverages additional CPU cores in the DU server.