Articles & Insights


Early Adopters of 5G SA Save 36% in TCO and Gain Competitive Advantages

All CSPs will eventually move to 5G SA, but the key question is timing. Move NOW to a single converged core or wait? See what is needed to get the lowest TCO. Spoiler alert: Late adopters can lose as much as 10% in the first year of delay and up to 36% in 5 years.


The Battle for Customer Loyalty Requires an Effortless Experience

In today’s digital age, customers are inundated with choices and have increasingly high standards for their patronizing businesses. To gain and retain customer loyalty, companies need to provide an effortless experience that is smooth, seamless, and satisfying. If businesses can offer an effortless experience, they will likely keep customers coming back, and maintain loyalty.


Voice is the King of Mobile Services

A look into the importance of cloud-native IMS, which enables mobile networks to evolve existing voice and messaging services to VoNR, as they move into the 5G era.