Resources Library

Mar 26

What Is Open RAN?

Open RAN – What It Is and What It Means for Rural Operators Webinar, presented by Mavenir. Learn about Open RAN, the Capex/Opex savings, and how it’s being deployed in different parts of the world, in an educational session specifically designed for Rural Operators.

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Connecting the Bots

This white paper reviews the challenges that brands are facing in their strategies and provides guidance on why they should be investing in RCS campaigns.


Intelligent Customer Engagement and Retention

MNOs are under intense pressure in the consumer market, seeing flat growth in net number of subscribers, forced into price wars on voice and data plans, and heavily disrupted by voice and messaging over-the-top (OTT) applications such as WhatsApp, FaceTime, and others that have eroded their consumer revenue. It has become a race to the…


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