Resources Library

Jul 16

Mavenir’s Digital Enablement

The Mavenir Digital Enablement (MDE) platform is a Business Support System (BSS) that helps CSPs simplify and experiment with service creation, leverage the power of 5G technology, and deliver personalized services to deepen relationships with current and future customers.

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Jun 30

Private Networks

Enterprises and industries want to take advantage of the high performance and low latency of 5G networks. Mavenir’s Private Network solutions unleash the power of the network to deliver secure, reliable, and scalable solutions and unlock the innovative potential of 5G.

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Jun 23

Business Messaging

Mavenir’s Business Messaging Monetization solution helps mobile network operators (MNOs) protect their existing A2P SMS business messaging traffic and open new revenue streams with a multi-channel customer engagement solution that allows business of all sizes to create a digital presence.

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Converged Packet Core

Mavenir’s Converged Packet Core accelerates the move to 5G by supporting a flexible evolutionary path with minimal risk, unlimited scale, and greatly improved speed, security, and reliability.


Mavenir – Digital Enablement Platform

Built with microservices and open APIs, this fully composable architecture makes it easy to fit or overlay MDE into any network or legacy system, build customized solutions for BSS needs, and create digital transformation solutions.


Mavenir’s CBRS/OnGO Solution

Mavenir’s OnGo-certified CBRS offering fulfills communication needs and addresses business challenges by providing quality coverage, increased network control, lower cost of ownership, and compensation by enabling monetization and revenue generation capabilities.


Mavenir Vision Video

Mavenir is building the future of networks and pioneering advanced technology focused on the vision of a single, software-based automated network that runs on any cloud.


Mavenir Sponsored Data Platform for Sponsors

Data monetization is an ongoing challenge for operators. In many regions, while smartphone penetration is high, data penetration is low. Some estimates show that in emerging markets, at any given time, up to 80% of subscribers lack data connectivity. With prepaid subscribers purchasing little or no data, operators are looking toward sponsors (advertisers, marketers, and…


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