Articles & Insights

Jun 07

Delivering the Multi-Cloud-Native Future at Hyperscale

The ongoing transition to cloud-native network functions – and the accelerating migration of these workloads to hybrid cloud environments – sits at the very heart of telecoms industry digital transformation today. A new Executive Briefing report from telecoms consultancy and research firm STL Partners highlights how effective partnerships between network solution vendors and hyperscale cloud…

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Jun 05

Green by Design: An Open-RAN AI-Powered Path to Energy Efficiency

Open Radio Access Network (Open RAN) implementations offer an exceptional opportunity to improve energy efficiency, when compared to traditional RAN networks. Open RAN with its O-RAN compliant radios is now making major strides in driving enhanced energy savings, greater automation through AI and better KPI statistics – lowering total cost of ownership for operators within…

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May 31

The Future Network Is Open and Autonomous

A conversation with Brandon Larson, SVP, GM, Cloud, AI & IMS at Mavenir Wireless networks are moving towards openness and autonomy at the same time. This is not happening by coincidence. The two trends are interrelated and enable and drive each other. The scope of the transition to open networks goes beyond Open RAN. It…

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Mavenir’s Game-Changing Approach to 5G Monetization

Discover how Mavenir extends the benefits of 5G SA architecture to earlier network generations, revolutionizing the way CSPs leverage cloud-native and service-based features. Seamlessly integrate advanced functionalities across your entire network infrastructure, irrespective of generation, and unlock new avenues for service innovation and revenue generation.


Proven Open and Interoperable Ecosystem Fuels Open RAN’s Momentum

Open RAN technology offers a significant value proposition for telecom operators in terms of cost savings, vendor diversification, and increased agility. In this latest blog post, John Baker, SVP, Ecosystem Business Development, examines the ecosystem sharing a comprehensive view of the publicly announced, proven open and interoperable Open RAN ecosystem.


Integrating AI Into the Anatomy of Autonomous Networks

To realize autonomous networks, operators must embrace Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) in network operations. Learn how future networks can manage complexity and deliver diverse services in real-time. Brandon Larson, SVP & GM of Cloud, AI & IMS, shares insights on integrating AI into the Anatomy of Autonomous Networks and highlights key points from the panel discussion at Mobile World Congress in this blog.


Unleashing the Power of 5G: How ATSSS Is Changing the Game

Have you ever experienced that frustrating glitch when you step out of your home while on a call and disconnect from Wi-Fi? You know, those critical few seconds as your device struggles to latch onto a cellular network, and you’re hoping you haven’t missed anything important?


Network Softwarisation: Positive but Realistic

At Mobile World Congress, Mavenir and The Mobile Network hosted a panel discussion on the softwarised network. It proved to be a discussion that was both positive about the benefits that network softwarisation can bring and realistic about the progress that has been made so far. As a journalist covering developments in mobile network technology,…