Embracing Innovation: Operator Strategies for Efficiency, Monetization, and Automation in 2024

Mavenir’s Bejoy Pankajakshan, EVP, Chief Technology and Strategy Officer, pens an article for The Fast Mode publication on how telecom operators are poised to do more with less by embracing cloud-native automation and AI enabled networks in 2024.

As the telecommunications industry marches forward with 5G, operators find themselves standing at the edge of transformative change in 2024. This pivotal year will witness a strategic shift in how operators manage their networks, optimize their resources, and capitalize on emerging technologies. Telecom operators are poised to do more with less by embracing cloud-native automation and AI enabled networks. Simultaneously, with the growing concern for sustainability and energy costs reduction, energy efficiency will be a key focus area for operators, aiming to drive down their total cost of ownership (TCO).

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